Friends of the Council – Membership & Giving
You can make a difference in the lives of isolated older adults every day when you become a Friend of the Council on Aging – Southern California (COASC). Through our Ombudsmen and SmileMakers Holiday Gift Programs we know how important it is to have someone care and remember an older adult with a kind word and thoughtful gift.
With your help we will provide direct support to fulfill our mission to promote the independence, health, and dignity of older adults through compassion, education, and advocacy.
We look forward to welcoming you as a Friend of the Council and invite you to choose a category of membership support below.

Joining is easy and affordable. Your gift can start as a $25 monthly gift or you can select to make your 12 months gift as an annual payment of $300.
All COASC Friends of the Council members receive a membership card and includes benefits that vary according to the level of support selected.
Friends of the Council – Member Levels & Benefits
- COASC Friends of the Council Member Card
- Annual listing on COASC’s website page of Members and Contributors
- 10% discount on COASC event ticket purchases (2 tickets per event)
- Member updates/alerts for COASC programs and services
- A link to the 113 page, 2024 OC Answers Resource Guide
- Quarterly Friends of the Council Newsletter with stories of our impact in the community
- All of the Individual Plan Benefits, PLUS
- A second membership card, which includes all benefits of membership
- 10% discount on COASC event ticket purchases (4 tickets per event)
- All of the Family Plan Benefits, PLUS:
- An embossed COASC lapel pin
- Invitation to exclusive Friends of the Council events
- All of the Silver Plan Benefits, PLUS:
- Members-only virtual tour of the COASC’s programs
- Friends of the Council Gift Wrapping Day at the SmileMakers Holiday Workshop
- All of the Gold Plan Benefits, PLUS
- Recognition in COASC’s Annual Report
- Invitation to an exclusive reception with the COASC CEO/President (Zoom Reception)