HICAP 2018 Medicare Open Enrollment Clinics
Medicare Open Enrollment is Oct. 15 – Dec. 7th.
Do you have Medicare questions? It’s time for Medicare beneficiaries to review their health and drug plan needs for 2018, are your:
-Health or drug plans changing?
-Premiums / co-pays increasing?
-Providers changing?
-Medications changing?
At a Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) Annual Enrollment Clinics you can learn about the new 2018 Medicare Health and Drug Plans.
Our HICAP counselors will provide you with health and drug comparison charts and conduct a savings analysis at no cost. Call HICAP to make your appointment!
For Orange County HICAP clinics near you contact 714-560-0424, for Riverside and San Bernardino County HICAP clinics contact 909-256-8369.
HICAP does not sell, endorse, or recommend insurance products.