Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program: Orange & Riverside County

Since 1976, Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocacy has been one of the founding initiatives of the Council on Aging – Southern California.

Our Long-Term Care Ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities in Orange & Riverside counties. We are here to help you or your loved one.

The mission of the Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program is to seek resolution of problems and advocate for the rights of residents of LTC facilities with the goal of ensuring their dignity, quality of life, and quality of care.
Residents Protected
Facilities Covered
Abuse Cases Investigated

Do you need immediate help?

Our Ombudsman services are free and confidential; we cover residents in Orange and Riverside County. Do you:
  • Have an abuse complaint?

  • Know your rights as a resident?

  • Have concerns about quality of care?

  • Suspect financial abuse?

Call Us. We Can Help.

  • 1 (800) 231-4024 24-hour CA State CRISIS Line
  • 1 (800) 300-6222 for Orange County
  • 1 (833) 772-6624 for Riverside County

Ombudsmen are certified by the State of California to:


  • Make unannounced, regular visits to licensed long-term care facilities
  • Mediate and attempt to resolve residents’ concerns
  • Witness the signing of Advance Health Care Directives in care facilities


  • Investigate suspected, physical, mental or emotional abuse of residents
  • Report serious facility violations to state licensing agencies
  • Investigate neglect complaints


  • Provide unbiased placement information and referrals to long-term care facilities
  • Inform families and the community on long-term care issues
  • Answer questions and concerns related to financial abuse

What are Residents’ Rights?

  • The right of citizenship. Nursing home residents do not lose any of their rights of citizenship, including the right to vote, to religious freedom and to associate with whom they choose.
  • The right to dignity. Residents of nursing homes are honored guests and have the right to be so treated.
  • The right to privacy. Nursing home residents have the right to privacy whenever possible, including the right to privacy with their spouse, the right to have their medical and personal records treated in confidence, and the right to private, uncensored communication.
  • The right to personal property. Nursing home residents have the right to possess and use personal property and to manage their financial affairs.
  • The right to information. Nursing home residents have the right to information, including the regulations of the home and the costs for services rendered. They also have the right to participate in decisions about any treatment, including the right to refuse treatment.
  • The right of freedom. Nursing home residents have the right to be free from mental or physical abuse and from physical or chemical restraint unless ordered by their physician.
  • The right to care. Residents have the right to equal care, treatment and services provided by the facility without discrimination.
  • The right of residence. Nursing home residents have the right to live at the home unless they violate publicized regulations. They may not be discharged without timely and proper notification to both the resident and the family or guardian.
  • The right of expression. Nursing home residents have the right to exercise their rights, including the right to file complaints and grievances without fear or reprisal.

Become an Advocate for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program recruits and trains caring Volunteers to serve as advocates for seniors who are often alone and forgotten.

Volunteers must be over the age of eighteen, complete a written application, submit to a background check, TB test, complete 36 hours of training with an additional 10 hours of field training with a mentor and not have worked in a long-term care facility within the past year. Volunteers are certified by the State Ombudsman following completion of all required training and may request mileage reimbursement. Volunteers are asked to commit to one year with the program.

Through our state-certified comprehensive training, you will be prepared to protect and advocate for Orange and Riverside County’s long-term care residents. Volunteers are an integral part of this program.

We are in need of Ombudsmen who are bilingual in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Farsi or Tagalog.

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The materials or product were a result of a project funded by a contract with the California Department of Aging, and administered by the Orange County Office on Aging. The conclusions and opinions expressed may not be those of the California Department of Aging and that the publication may not be based upon or inclusive of all raw data.