Creating Connections During Covid-19
We all now understand the importance of practicing prevention strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic; staying at home, keeping a physical distance, utilizing a mask in public, disinfecting anything we bring into our homes and washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. It has taken some time and effort, but we have been able to incorporate all these recommendations and adjust to a new daily routine.
What’s next? Now is the time to focus our energy in other ways to keep our body and mind healthy. It’s time to make sure we are getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of fluids, exercising, and just as important, staying connected. Physical distancing does not and should not mean social distancing or isolation.
While minimizing face-to-face contact, today more than ever, it is crucial that we prioritize reaching out to our families, friends, neighbors, community and faith-based networks. It is important to catch up, stay connected, and have someone to talk to during these challenging times. Luckily, technology can be at our service when it comes to staying in touch with our community. We can utilize regular phone land lines, online video chats, remote classes, and virtual gatherings, among others. There is also a robust digital platform at our disposal to help us stay connected, such as FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, Houseparty or Alexa to say a few.
While setting up a new virtual schedule to stay active and connected can be overwhelming, you are not alone. The Council on Aging – Southern California is part of your community. We all in this together! During this unprecedented time, we have created a portfolio of virtual activities that you can join from the comfort of your home at various times during the week. From fitness and mindfulness, to art lessons, gardening and learning a new language; opportunities to stay active and connected are just a click away. We know it’s not always easy to get started or find resources. The Council on Aging is committed to help you through these extraordinary times helping you to remain healthy, connected and protected.
Click here to view our full calendar of no cost activities offered in various languages.